the lead MCL-1 rhythm strip shown in Figure-1.
- What
is the underlying rhythm?
- Is
widened beat #12 a PVC or aberrantly conducted PAC? How certain are you of your answer?
- What
is the Ashman phenomenon?
Figure-1: What is the underlying rhythm in this lead MCL-1 rhythm strip? What is beat #12? |
Interpretation of Figure 1:
underlying rhythm is appears to be
sinus —
although it is admittedly difficult to determine the underlying sinus rate due
to continual irregularity of this tracing.
- The
reason we interpret the underlying rhythm as sinus is the
similar P wave morphology and PR interval for beats #4,6,11 and 14.
- There
are multiple
PACs on this tracing. Although P
wave morphology seems to change slightly for many of these PACs —
it is admittedly difficult to be certain if some of the earlier-than-anticipated beats are PACs vs rhythm regularity
from sinus arrhythmia. Clinically — it doesn’t matter,
since “the theme” of this rhythm is sinus with multiple PACs.
- Beyond-the-Core:
Technically —
we can’t rule out the possibility of MAT for this rhythm. Our tendency is to
favor sinus rhythm with multiple PACs
as the diagnosis because of similar P wave shape and PR interval for beats
#4,6,11 and 14 (vs continually varying P
wave morphology from beat-to-beat that is typical for MAT). That said —
rhythm with multiple PACs and MAT are essentially two points on
different ends of the same spectrum. Practically speaking, distinction between
these 2 entities does not
matter —
since clinical implications of these two rhythms are virtually the same (See
also ECG Blog #65).
- Beat #12
is an aberrantly conducted PAC.
We are able to confidently make this diagnosis because: i) Beat #12 is preceded by a premature
P wave (arrow in Figure-2); ii) The “theme” of this rhythm is sinus with multiple PACs — so it is more likely than not that the cause of the single widened beat in Figure-1 will
also be a PAC; iii) Beat #12
manifests typical RBBB morphology (rsR’
with taller right rabbit ear in right-sided MCL-1); and, iv) Beat #12 manifests the Ashman
Figure-2: Arrows have been added to Figure-1 to highlight the relative relationship between the coupling interval of the premature P waves preceding beats #5, 7 and 12 — and the preceding R-R interval. Beat #12 is an aberrantly conducted PAC that manifests the Ashman phenomenon (See text). |
The ASHMAN Phenomenon:
The Ashman phenomenon reflects the effect of
ectopic coupling interval and preceding R-R interval on the likelihood that a
PAC or PJC will be conducted with aberration. Simply stated:
- “The funniest-looking (ie, most aberrant) beat is most likely to follow the longest pause”. The
rationale for the Ashman phenomenon is explained by Figure-3:
Figure-3: Illustration of the effect that the preceding R-R interval exerts on duration of the subsequent refractory period (See text). |
- Panel A
in Figure-3
schematically illustrates that a premature impulse (PAC or PJC) occurring during the ARP (Absolute Refractory Period
— corresponding to Point X) will be blocked. In contrast —
a PAC (or PJC) occurring after repolarization is complete
(corresponding to Z in Panel A) will
be conducted normally. Aberrant conduction will only
occur IF a premature impulse occurs
during the RRP (Relative Refractory Period — corresponding to Point Y in Panel A).
- Events
in Panel B — suggest a
different clinical situation. Once again — points X, Y and Z
represent theoretical timing for 3 PACs. Premature
impulse X will again be blocked (since it
occurs within the ARP). This time — both Y and Z fall beyond the RRP, so both of these premature impulses will be conducted normally to the
KEY Point:
Whether a premature impulse will fall
the RRP (and conduct with aberration) —
will also be determined by length of the R-R interval immediately preceding the anomalous (widened) beat. This is because duration
of the refractory period is directly proportional to the length of the
preceding R-R interval. When heart rate slows (as it does in Panel C of Figure-3) —
the subsequent ARP and RRP
will both be prolonged.
- Panel C
— shows the
effect of rate slowing on conduction of the 3 PACs from Panel B. Premature impulse X will again be
blocked (it occurs within the ARP).
Premature impulse Z will again be conducted normally (it occurs after the refractory period is over). However, premature
impulse Y (which in Panel B had occurred after repolarization was complete)
will now be conducted with aberrancy (since
the preceding longer R-R interval has now prolonged the RRP).
Synthesis of the Ashman Phenomenon
favorite way to remember the Ashman phenomenon is as follows:
- “The funniest-looking
(ie, most aberrant) beat is most likely to follow the longest pause”.
How Beat #12 Illustrates the Ashman
We magnify events from Figure-2 below in Figure-4. Note that the
“funniest beat” (beat #12) follows
the longest pause (the R‑R interval between beats #10-11).
Therefore —
in addition to the very short coupling interval of 0.22 second for the PAC preceding
beat #12 (red arrow) —
the relatively longer preceding R-R
interval favors conditions that predispose to aberrant conduction (via the Ashman phenomenon). Cycle-sequence comparison
for other PACs in Figure-4 (white arrows) is not nearly as favorable
for aberrant conduction.
Figure-4: Magnification of part of Figure-2. |
FINAL Point: Ashman Phenomenon Not Fully Reliable in AFib
of the Ashman phenomenon
may be extremely helpful diagnostically when applied to assessing wide beats in
arrhythmias obtained from patients who are in sinus rhythm.
- Be
aware that the Ashman phenomenon is of uncertain value with AFib (Atrial Fibrillation). This
is because the length of the R-R interval in AFib is continually influenced by
another phenomenon known as concealed conduction, in which variable
penetration of the 400-to-600 atrial impulses that arrive each minute at the AV
node with AFib affects conduction in a way that the preceding R-R interval no longer accurately reflects the
duration of the subsequent refractory period (Marriott and Conover).
- Please see our ECG Blog #71 — in which we further explore why the Ashman phenomenon is not diagnostic in the setting of AFib.
- For more information — GO TO: