ECG in Figure-1 was obtained from a middle-aged woman who
presented with a syncopal attack and hypotension. No
chest pain.
- How would you interpret this ECG?
- What is the “culprit” artery?
- What is the rhythm?
Confession: I am still not
completely certain about all that is going on with the cardiac rhythm in this
tracing. That said — several statements about the rhythm can be
made with certainty. And, I have a theory …
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Figure-1: 12-Lead ECG and simultaneously-recorded long lead II rhythm strip, obtained from a middle-aged woman with syncope and hypotension. (See text). |
COMMENT: This is a complex
tracing! As I fully acknowledge above — I am still not certain of
all aspects of the arrhythmia, details of which I’ll address a little bit
later. For the moment — suffice it to say that: i) All beats on this tracing are
supraventricular; ii) There are lots
of P waves; iii) Some of these P
waves look like they may be conducting; and, iv) There appears to be some form
of AV block.
- PEARL #1: Although the arrhythmia in Figure-1 is fascinating (!) — Recognizing that more detailed analysis beyond what I state above in i), ii), iii) and iv) is not needed at this point in order to initiate the most important priorities in management!
- Therefore — it is BEST not to spend any more time trying to decipher this rhythm until you have completed your Systematic Approach for assessment of QRS and ST-T wave morphology!
Descriptive Analysis of the ECG
in Figure-1: Focusing attention on QRS morphology in the 12-lead tracing —
there is GOOD reason for this woman to have presented with syncope and
- Rate & Rhythm — Sinus tachycardia with what appears to be some complex form of AV block (Details in a moment! ).
- Intervals — The PR interval varies (See below). The QRS complex for all beats on this tracing is narrow. The QTc interval appears to be normal.
- Axis — The mean QRS axis is normal (about +70 degrees).
- Chamber Enlargement — None.
next at Q-R-S-T Changes:
- Q Waves — There is a small, but fairly wide Q wave in lead III. One of the 2 complexes in lead aVF appears to have a small Q wave.
- R Wave Progression — Transition occurs normally (here, between leads V3-to-V4).
Regarding ST-T Wave Changes:
- There is hyperacute ST elevation in each of the inferior leads! ST elevation is clearly more marked in lead III compared to lead II. There may be beginning T wave inversion in lead III, but not yet in other inferior leads.
- There is mirror-image (reciprocal) ST depression in lead aVL when one compares this to the shape of the ST elevation in lead III. To a lesser degree — there is also reciprocal ST-T wave depression in lead I. PEARL #2: As we have discussed in previous ECG Blogs (most recently in ECG Blog#167) — there is an almost “magic” mirror-image relationship between leads III and aVL in many (most) cases of acute inferior MI.
- Otherwise — there is marked ST depression, that rises to hyperacute T waves in leads V2, V3 and V4.
- Surprisingly — there is slight-but-real ST elevation in lead V1 (usually there is no ST elevation in lead V1).
Putting It All
Together: QRS morphology
for the ECG shown Figure-1 is diagnostic of acute
STEMI. Note the following:
- Acute posterior involvement is diagnosed by the presence of unexpected ST depression in anterior leads. Anterior leads show the “mirror-image” of what one expects to see in posterior leads (such as leads V7, V8, V9). Isn’t the “shelf-like” ST depression rising to prominent T wave in lead V2 virtually the mirror-image of the ST elevation + T wave inversion expected with acute MI? (See ECG Blog #80 for application of the “mirror test” for diagnosing posterior MI).
- The “culprit” artery (See ECG Blog #80) — is almost certain to be acute RCA (Right Coronary Artery) occlusion because: i) Statistics (~85% of patients have a dominant right system — so that acute RCA occlusion is much more likely than LCx [Left Circumflex] occlusion to be the cause of inferior MI); ii) ST elevation in lead III > lead II; iii) there is marked reciprocal ST depression in lead aVL; and, iv) there is no sign of associated lateral infarction (ie, no ST elevation in any of the lateral leads).
- NOTE: In addition to being an anterior lead — lead V1 is also a right-sided lead. The unexpected finding of ST elevation in lead V1 tells us that in addition to acute infero-postero STEMI — there is also acute RV (Right Ventricular) involvement.
- PEARL #3: Most of the time, right-sided leads will be needed to diagnose acute RV MI. However, when there is definite ST elevation in lead V1 in a patient with acute inferior MI — this almost certainly indicates that ST elevation from acute RV MI has cancelled out the ST depression that you would otherwise have seen in lead V1 from ongoing posterior MI.
- Recognition of acute RV MI in association with acute infero-postero MI localizes the “culprit” artery to the RCA — because the LCx does not vascularize the right ventricle. This further establishes the proximal RCA as the “culprit” artery in Figure-1.
- FOLLOW-UP: Cardiac cath confirmed acute occlusion of the proximal RCA — and, reperfusion was achieved by stenting this vessel. Presumably, the degree of AV block improved as the patient recovered (although I’m not privileged to those details).
My Purpose — in presenting this case was 3-fold:
i) This case provides an excellent
example of how to recognize acute OMI (Occlusion-related Myocardial
Infarction) in a patient without chest pain — despite
distraction from the presence of a complex form of AV block; ii) How to assess a complex form of AV block,
such as is evident in Figure-1; — and, iii) How use of a Laddergram
can assist in this assessment.
- As I have already emphasized — detailed assessment of this rhythm is not essential for initiating the key priorities of management. I would be HAPPY — if you simply recognize the presence of a complex form of AV block — and, that the cause of this arrhythmia and the patient’s syncope/hypotension is acute OMI in need of immediate cath + reperfusion.
- PEARL #4: Don’t even bother trying to assess this rhythm unless you are using a pair of calipers. In my opinion — it is virtually impossible to assess a complex rhythm such as this one without calipers. The cardiologist who tries to assess complex arrhythmias without using calipers — is a cardiologist who will miss the diagnosis of many complex rhythms.
Looking Closer at the Rhythm: While
admittedly not certain about all aspects of the rhythm in Figure-1
— there are a number of Observations
that we can make:
- The rhythm is supraventricular — since all QRS complexes on this tracing are narrow.
- Using calipers — We can say that Sinus P waves are present (RED arrows in the long lead II rhythm strip in Figure-2). This sinus rhythm is fast (ie, sinus tachycardia) — and fairly (but not completely) regular. Since it would be unlikely to “miss” occasional P waves — I’ve added WHITE arrows in Figure-2 where I suspect additional sinus P waves are located (partially or totally hidden by simultaneously-occurring QRS complexes).
- In addition to sinus arrhythmia — there is a phenomenon known as ventriculophasic sinus arrhythmia — in which severe bradycardia from AV block may cause variation in the P-P interval. When this happens — the P-P interval that “sandwiches” a QRS complex tends to be shorter than P-P intervals without enclosed QRS complexes (thought to be due to better perfusion following cardiac contraction that occurs just after a QRS). Using calipers verifies the presence of ventriculophasic sinus arrhythmia in Figure-2.
- There are a number of consecutively-occurring P waves in Figure-2 that are not followed by QRS complexes. This suggests that at the least — there is high-grade AV block in this tracing (which I define as AV block in which more than one sinus P wave in a row fails to conduct despite having adequate opportunity to conduct).
- The ventricular rhythm is not regular! This suggests that complete (3rd-degree) AV block is not likely — since the ventricular escape rhythm is usually at least fairly regular when AV block is complete. This defines the rhythm in Figure-2 as high-grade 2nd-Degree AV block.
PEARL — Common things
are common! In the presence of acute inferior MI (as this patient
has) — AV Wenckebach
is by far (!!!) the most common type of 2nd-Degree AV Block.
- Therefore — whenever I see acute inferior STEMI with a fast-but-irregular sinus rhythm in which there are intermittent pauses — I specifically look for Wenckebach conduction. In my experience — this almost always turns out to be the cause of the irregularity! (For an example of this — See ECG Blog #55).
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Figure-2: I’ve added ARROWS to indicate definite (and probable) atrial activity. WHITE arrows indicate where I suspect there are P waves, albeit hidden by the QRS complex (See text). |
Is there Any Conduction in Figure-2?
As I stated at
the outset — this is a complex rhythm! We’ve already established that
there is high-grade 2nd-degree AV block with numerous non-conducted
P waves. The next step in determining specifics of this rhythm to establish IF
there is any conduction? This is best accomplished by use of a Laddergram (Figure-3):
- NOTE: Although learning to draw laddergrams is challenging (it literally took me many years to become comfortable doing so! ) — learning to read laddergrams is easy and intuitive! (IF you would like Review on using Laddergrams — See ECG Blog #69 and Blog #164).
- The 1st Step in drawing a laddergram is filling in the Atrial Tier where you see P waves (Figure-3). Since conduction of the electrical impulse through the atria is fast (passing over specialized atrial conduction tracts) — we represent atrial conduction on a laddergram by a vertical line through the Atrial Tier.
PEARL #5: You’ll be amazed at how much EASIER it becomes to see
relationships (or lack thereof) between P waves and neighboring QRS
complexes the moment you highlight P waves (RED arrows in Figure-4).
- The EASIEST way to determine IF there is any conduction in the rhythm you are assessing — is to see IF there are any identical PR intervals?
- NOTE — The PR intervals preceding beats #1, 4, 6 and 9 are all identical. This tells us that these 4 beats must be conducting. Figure-4 shows how we represent conduction through the AV node and through the ventricles for these 4 beats. The reason there is a greater slant (ie, greater angulation) for conduction through the AV Nodal Tier compared to conduction through the Atria and through the Ventricles — is that conduction of the electrical impulse is slowest going through the AV node.
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Figure-4: The PR intervals preceding beats #1, 4, 6 and 9 are identical. Therefore — these 4 beats must be conducting (See text). |
Are Any Other Beats Conducted in
through with the KEY principle that identical PR intervals are unlikely
to be due to chance — We look next at Figure-4 to see IF any other
PR interval duration repeats.
- Caliper measurement of the PR interval preceding beats #5 and #7 is identical. This strongly suggests that these 2 beats are also conducted, albeit with a longer PR interval than for beats #1,4, 6 and 9. We illustrate this in Figure-5.
- This leaves us with uncertainty about beats #2, 3 and 8 (QUESTION MARKS in Figure-5).
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Figure-5: Beats #5 and 7 also appear to be conducting, albeit with a longer PR interval than for beats #1, 4, 6 and 9 (See text). |
PEARL #6: The longest R-R interval in this rhythm strip is between beats
#2-3. When working with a complex conduction disturbance — unexpected
shortening of the R-R interval often tells you that earlier-than-expected
beats are being conducted!
- I do not know if beat #3 that terminates the longest R-R interval — is a junctional escape beat or a sinus-conducted beat. We cannot know this for certain without additional monitoring …
- However — Since beats #2 and #8 in Figure-5 are both preceded by an R-R interval that is shorter than the R-R interval between beats #2-3 — I suspect beats #2 and #8 are probably conducting!
What then is the
Mechanism of the Rhythm?
At this point
— I admittedly was not sure how to draw in lines
representing conduction of beats #2 and 8 (and possibly also beat #3).
- After pondering this arrhythmia for longer than I care to admit … — I decided that I needed to think “out of the box”. (I said this rhythm was complex … ).
- NOTE — Some forms of AV Wenckebach may exhibit Wenckebach conduction at multiple levels within the AV Node.
What IF there were 2 Levels of Block within the
AV Node?
The BEST way to
illustrate the concept of a dual-level block within
the AV Node — is by clicking successively on the magnified view of the next 5
Figures. The legends of these Figures describe my ladder problem-solving
BOTTOM LINE: My favorite
quote about complex arrhythmias is by Rosenbaum, who said: “Every
self-respecting arrhythmia has at least 3 possible interpretations”. While
I cannot prove that my interpretation of this complex arrhythmia is the
only correct one — IF you are able to construct a laddergram that makes
sense (as I have done in Figure-10) — then my theory qualifies as
at least one possible mechanism for this complex rhythm. Other
theories from anyone reading this blog are welcome!
- To Emphasize — Deriving a precise mechanism for this complex arrhythmia (as I propose in Figure-10) — is not nearly as important as the other TAKE-HOME Points from this case!
- TAKE-HOME Points from this Case: What is most important to appreciate from this case is the following: i) Although this patient did not have chest pain — she did have other symptoms (ie, syncope; hypotension) that could be consistent with acute MI; ii) The rhythm is supraventricular — with lots of sinus P waves, some of which are conducting — and others, which are not conducting. Therefore, the rhythm represents some form of 2nd-Degree AV Block; iii) QRS morphology is diagnostic for an acute STEMI. Management priorities include prompt activation of the cath lab with the goal of achieving timely coronary reperfusion; iv) Since this patient has an acute inferior MI — and, there is 2nd-Degree AV Block with group beating and a narrow QRS complex — the mechanism of this AV block statistically (ie, over 90% likelihood) is almost certain to represent some form of AV Wenckebach (Mobitz I); and, v) Chances are, that IF you are able to promptly achieve coronary reperfusion (which should be your highest priority) — that this very complex form of AV Wenckebach will improve, if not completely resolve.
Acknowledgment: My appreciation to Wai Shein (from Myanmar) for the case
and this tracing.