The 12-lead ECG and lead II rhythm strip shown in Figure 1 were
obtained from 55-year-old man with “chest pressure”. He is hemodynamically
- What is the rhythm?
- Can you identify the “culprit artery” ?
.JPG) |
Figure 1 – 12-lead ECG from a 55-year-old man with chest pressure. |
INTERPRETATION: The first problematic aspect of the tracing in Figure
1 is to determine the rhythm. Given that the patient is hemodynamically stable
– there is at least a moment to contemplate what is seen.
- The QRS complex looks slightly widened. Assessing QRS
duration in leads where the complex appears to be widest (ie, leads V4,V5,V6) – we estimate QRS
duration at 0.11 second (just over half a
large box). That said – QRS morphology looks to be supraventricular (as we’ll discuss momentarily).
- The rhythm is not
sinus. There is no upright P wave in lead II. In fact – there are no P waves anywhere … There are fine
undulations of the baseline – although we can’t be sure if this represents
baseline artifact, fine “fib waves”, or both.
- The rate is ~100/minute.
- The rhythm is not
completely regular. This tracing provides an excellent example of how easy it
is to be fooled into thinking a rhythm is regular when one does not measure (with calipers) consecutive complexes.
Admittedly – variation in R-R interval from beat-to-beat is minimal – and there
are a number of consecutive beats with the same R-R interval. But there is
some variation.
What is the Rhythm?
We are not
certain what the rhythm in Figure 1 is based on this single tracing. Additional
rhythm strips would be needed to know for sure. The differential diagnosis
- Fascicular Tachycardia or VT (Ventricular Tachycardia).
- Accelerated AV Nodal (Junctional) Rhythm.
- AFib (Atrial
We favor AFib with a controlled but regularized
ventricular response as the most
likely etiology of this rhythm – given supraventricular appearance,
irregularity, and absence of P waves.
- We doubt the rhythm is VT or fascicular tachycardia –
given its supraventricular appearance (See
- We can’t rule out the possibility of an accelerated
junctional rhythm – given the “almost regularity” of the rhythm.
- We fully acknowledge that we are not certain of the rhythm.
- Given that this patient is at the moment hemodynamically
stable – there are much more pressing problems than determination of the
- Additional rhythm strips will almost certainly clarify
rhythm diagnosis.
What is
Going On with the Rest of the Tracing?
QRS morphology in Figure 1 suggests RBBB (Right Bundle Branch Block).
- The QRS complex is widened. Although a typical rSR’
pattern is not seen in lead V1 - the QR pattern that is seen serves as a “right
bundle equivalent” in a patient who has lost the small initial positive r wave
deflection due to septal infarction.
- S waves are seen in left-sided leads I and V6 (although
admittedly the S in lead I is not nearly as wide as is usually the case with
In addition – there is LAHB (Left Anterior
HemiBlock), as determined by the rS complexes in the inferior
leads producing a markedly leftward axis. The presence of RBBB/LAHB qualifies
as “bifascicular block”.
Of most concern – the ECG in Figure 1 suggests ongoing
evolution of a large acute STEMI (ST
Elevation Myocardial Infarction):
- Q waves are seen in septal
leads V1 and V2.
- There is significant ST segment elevation in leads
V1-thru-V4. There is also ST
segment coving and elevation in lead aVL.
ST elevation in lead V3 shows straightening of the ST upstroke and elevation of
the J point by at least 4mm.
- There is also ST segment elevation in lead aVR.
- Reciprocal
ST segment depression is clearly
seen in each of the inferior leads (II,III,aVF).
- There appear to be hyperacute T waves in the inferior and lateral
precordial leads.
IMPRESSION: The ECG shown in Figure
1 suggests acute proximal occlusion of the LAD (Left Anterior Descending) coronary artery
causing an extensive anterior STEMI. Acute reperfusion is
urgently needed for this patient.
- ST elevation in leads V1-thru-V4 suggests
antero-septal involvement.
- ST elevation also in lead aVL suggests
involvement of the 1st Diagonal Branch of the LAD.
- Septal necrosis
with extensive
damage is suggested by: i) RBBB (especially in view of the loss
of the initial positive r wave deflection in lead V1 with this RBBB); ii) Q
waves in leads V1,V2; iii) ST elevation in lead aVR; iv) presumably new
bifascicular block (RBBB/LAHB); v) AFib.
- This patient is at high risk of
developing complete heart block and/or
cardiogenic shock.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT: My appreciation goes to Dr. Harsha Nagarajarao (of Cardiology Boards) for allowing me to use this tracing.
NOTE: - Relevant PDF on ECG diagnosis of acute MI: