There is no clinical information is available for the ECG and 2-lead rhythm strip shown below in Figure-1.
- HOW would you interpret this tracing?
- What treatment is likely to be needed?
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Figure-1: How would you interpret this ECG? (See text). |
Editorial Comment:
It is always challenging to interpret tracings without the benefit of clinical information. That said — this situation is common in clinical practice. My experience in this area derives from the 30 years during which I was charged with interpreting all ECGs ordered by 35 medical providers at a primary care clinic — as well periodic stints during which I interpreted hospital tracings without the benefit of any history.
- The challenge lies with having to decide which tracings in the “pile of ECGs to be interpreted” were those for which I needed to pull the medical chart (or call the provider) because of ECG findings of immediate potential concern.
- Obvious time constraints made it impossible to pull the chart for each ECG that I was given to read (I’d never get anything else done if I did so).
- I therefore became well versed in the skill of limiting the charts that I would pull to those patients whose ECGs showed findings I thought were important and potentially indicative of an acute situation that may have been overlooked.
MY Thoughts on the ECG in Figure-1:
As always — systematic interpretation of any ECG should begin with assessing the cardiac rhythm. In general — lead II and lead V1 are the 2 best leads on a 12-lead tracing for assessing atrial activity — and we have the advantage in Figure-1 of a simultaneously-recorded 2-lead rhythm strip of both of these leads. By the Ps, Qsand 3R Approach:
- The rhythm in Figure-1 is clearly irregular.
- The QRS complex is narrow (ie, not more than half a large box in duration = ≤0.10 second).
- The rate varies from 50/minute — to just under 100/minute.
- More than 1 P wave morphology is present. That said — P waves do appear to be related to neighboring QRS complexes, because the PR interval for the P wave shapes that we see remains constant (See Figure-2).
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Figure-2: I’ve labeled the different P wave shapes with different-colored arrows (See text). |
MY Thoughts on Figure-2:
There are 2 different P wave shapes in Figure-2.
- The tracing begins with 3 sinus beats (ie, RED arrows highlight 3 similar-looking upright-in-lead-II P waves — all with the same PR interval).
- P wave shape then changes for beats #4, 5 and 6 (ie, BLUE arrows highlighting an almost isoelectric, if not negative P wave with fixed PR interval).
- The atrial focus then shifts back, with return to sinus P waves for beats #7, 8, 9 and 10 (ie, return of RED arrows highlighting similar-looking, upright P waves in lead II — albeit with variability in the R-R interval).
- The rhythm in Figure-2 concludes with a slowing-down of the ventricular rate, as the 2nd atrial focus returns, in which the P wave is almost isoelectric (ie, BLUE arrows for beats #11 and 12).
BOTTOM LINE regarding Figure-1: The rhythm in Figure-2 is most consistent with a Wandering Atrial Pacemaker. This is because the change from one atrial site to the next occurs gradually over a period of several beats.
- PEARL: The reason it is uncommon (if not rare) in clinical practice to see a wandering atrial pacemaker — is that most providers do not pay long enough attention to beat-to-beat change in P wave morphology needed to identify gradual shift between at least 3 different atrial sites.
SUMMARY: Review of the KEY features of wandering atrial pacemaker is the theme below for our ECG Media Pearl #17 (a 3:30 minute audio recording).
- Written review of wandering pacemaker appears below in Figure-3.
- Review of MAT is covered in our ECG Blog #199.
Today’s ECG Media PEARL #17 (3:30 minutes Audio) — What is a Wandering Atrial Pacemaker (as opposed to MAT)?
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Figure-3: Written review of wandering atrial pacemaker. |
ADDENDUM (3/4/2021):
I received the following note from David Richley regarding today’s tracing: “I think I would use different terminology to describe this because to me the atrial pacemaker doesn’t so much ‘wander’ as ‘jump’. I would describe this as sinus arrhythmia with junctional escape rhythm at 60-65/minute every time the sinus node discharge rate slows to below that rate. I interpret the escape beats as junctional rather than atrial, because athough the P waves, (which are initially negative in II, aVF and V4-V6 — and positive in aVR) precede the QRS — the PR segment is very short, suggesting an AV nodal origin. However, we describe this phenomenon — I do agree that it’s likely to be completely benign.
MY Thoughts: Dave’s comment is one of the reasons why: i) The diagnosis of wandering pacemaker requires clear demonstration of shift in the atrial pacemaker in at least 3 different sites. We only see 2 different sites here; and, ii) The diagnosis of wandering atrial pacemaker is not common.
- It’s impossible to rule out Dave’s theory from the single tracing we have.
- That said — the BLUE arrow P wave site may or may not be of AV nodal origin (you can see a similar, near-isoelectric P wave with short PR interval from a low atrial site).
- I also considered the possibility of the BLUE arrow P waves representing junctional escape — but decided against it because the difference in R-R interval from what we see between beats #9-10 vs what we see between beats #10-11 is more than what I’d expect based on the cadence of rate variation I see from beats #7-10.
- Bottom Line: We both agree there is a shift in the pacemaker site in a rhythm that is likely to be benign. And, we both agree that additional monitoring would be needed for a definitive response. THANK YOU Dave!
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