This is the 5th installment of my ECG Video Blog. This 17-minute video continues a Clinical Look at Cardiac Arrhythmias from a Primary Care Perspective. Focus in this Part 2 is on ventricular arrhythmias — and, on bradycardia including diagnosis of Sick Sinus Syndrome and indications for pacing. In the final part of this video series (Part 3 — coming soon!) — We'll conclude with discussion of the SVT rhythms that are commonly encountered in primary care.
NOTE: There are advantages to using a video format format. These include:
- Ability to illustrate concepts not done full justice by the written word.
- Greater dispersion of my content through Google & YouTube. This material is free for anyone to use.
LINKS to my ECG Video-Blog installments:
- ECG Video-Blog #1-Revised (= Blog #95) — Is there AV Block?
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- ECG Video-Blog #2 (= Blog #96) — Bundle Branch Blocks
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- ECG Video-Blog #3 (= Blog #97) — SVT with marked ST Depression
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- ECG Video-Blog #4 (= Blog #98) — Clinical Arrhythmia Mgmt (Part I )
- ECG Video-Blog #5 (= Blog #99) — Clinical Arrhythmia Mgmt (Part 2 )
- Please check out our Cardiac Arrhythmia page = www.aafpecg.com -
- Click Here for Timed Contents to Video-Blogs #4,5,6!
- ECG Video-Blog #6 (= Blog #100) — Clinical Arrhythmia Mgmt (Part 3 )
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- ECG Video-Blog #7 (= Blog #101) — Wide Tachycardia + Chest Pain
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- ECG Video-Blog #8 ( = Blog #105) — Basics of AV Block
- ECG Video-Blog #9 ( = Blog #110) — Complete AV Block? / Laddergrams
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- ECG Video-Blogs #10,11,12 ( = Blog #113) — Rhythm Diagnosis Basics
- Click Here for a Link-Timed Contents to Video-Blogs #10,11,12!
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- ECG Video-Blog #13 ( = Blog #116) — Essentials of Axis / Hemiblocks
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- ECG Video-Blog #14 ( = Blog #117) — Brugada Syndrome
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- ECG Video-Blog #15 ( = Blog #118) — QRST Changes
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- ECG Video-Blog #16 ( = Blog #120) — Giant T Waves
My goal in this 3-Part video series is to address the "art" of arrhythmia management from a primary care perspective. This includes cost-effective assessment as to whether a rhythm disturbance is present (with details on monitoring methods) — whether the arrhythmia is likely to be benign or more worrisome — and a practical approach to treatment.
- Below in Figure 1 — a sample of some issues discussed in this Part 2 (Video-Blog #5 = Blog #99). I believe this video brings the topic to life!
Figure-1: Slide discussing indications for pacing in Sick Sinus Syndrome, with illustration explaining the importance of pause duration. NOTE — Enlarge by clicking on Figures — Right-Click to open in a separate window. |
GO TO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8n8PEYLb1hg — on YouTube to view this ECG Video (17 minutes).
- Click Here — for a Timed CONTENTS of Video-Blogs #4,5,6
- Please also check out my ECG Video Blog page on Google. The link is easy to remember = www.videoecg.com -
NOTE: For a Power Point Show (.ppsx) version of my Video Blogs - CLICK HERE. This folder will contain links to download a .ppsx version that allows faster viewing:
- Download the .ppsx to your computer desktop.
- The PPT show is without automatic sound. YOU activate only the Audio clips you want.
- Hover your mouse over the highlighted Audio. You may play and/or pause if/as you like.
- Feel free to use this .ppsx for teaching with my blessings!