- How would YOU interpret the ECG in Figure-1?
- What is the rhythm?
- Why does QRS morphology in the long lead II rhythm strip change every-other-beat?
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Figure-1: The initial ECG in today's case. |
- All beats on this ECG are supraventricular! The "beauty" of having a 12-lead tracing with a simultaneously-recorded long lead II rhythm strip — is that this allows us to view each of the 12 beats on this tracing in 3 other simultaneously-recorded leads. Doing so confirms that even though there are 2 distinct QRS morphologies in the long lead II rhythm strip (especially obvious in lead III) — the QRS is narrow in all 12 leads. Therefore — the rhythm is supraventricular!
- There is group beating! (seen in Figure-1 in the form of a bigeminal rhythm, in which the same shorter — then the same longer R-R interval alternates throughout the tracing).
- Regular P waves are present throughout the entire tracing. This KEY observation can be verified within seconds — simply by using calipers (See Figure-2).
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Figure-2: I've added RED arrows to the initial ECG — showing that regular P waves are present throughout the entire tracing. |
- To optimally assess atrial activity — I simply set my calipers to the P-P interval between any 2 consecutive P waves that I can clearly identify. For example, in Figure-2 — 2 consecutive P wave deflections are clearly seen to occur at the same place within each of the longer R-R intervals (so that I chose to set my calipers to the P-P interval between the 3rd and 4th RED arrows in Figure-2).
- Once I set my calipers to this P-P interval — I was able to easily "walk out" regular P waves throughout the entire long lead II rhythm strip.
- PEARL #2: The reason today's tracing is so challenging — is that every 3rd P wave is so well hidden within the T waves of every odd-numbered beat. This is where awareness of simultaneously-recorded leads may prove invaluable! Although we do not see every 3rd P wave in the long lead II rhythm strip (because these P waves are hidden within the T waves of beats #1,3,5,7,9 and 11) — we do see an "on-time" tiny negative deflection right after the 1st T wave in lead V1 (2nd RED arrow in lead V1). This confirms that P waves are hidden at a similar point in the T wave of all odd-numbered beats. Therefore — there is an underlying regular atrial rhythm, with sinus P waves at ~110/minute.
- Labeling P waves (as we have done with RED arrows in Figure-2) — greatly facilitates this process — and expedites us being able to tell that although the PR interval before beats #1,3,5,7,9 and 11 is slightly prolonged (ie, ~0.22 second) — this PR interval in front of all odd-numbered beats remains constant! Therefore — there clearly is at least some conduction.
- PEARL #4: Despite the finding of a regular atrial rhythm — there are more P waves than QRS complexes (ie, there are 18 RED arrow P waves in Figure-2 — but only 12 QRS complexes). This means that some form of 2nd-degree AV block must be present — since not all P waves are being conducted to the ventricles.
- Observation-1: The QRS complex for all beats in all 12 leads of Figure-2 is narrow. Therefore — today's rhythm is supraventricular.
- Observation-2: There is group beating (in the form of alternating longer-then-shorter R-R intervals). The presence of "group beating" should always raise the possibility of Wenckebach conduction — IF certain other features are also present.
- Observation-3: The underlying atrial rhythm is regular (RED arrows in Figure-2). Knowing there is a regular sinus rhythm rules out the non-Wenckebach causes of group beating, such as atrial bigeminy.
- Observation-4: At least some beats are being conducted to the ventricles (because the PR interval is constant before all of the beats that end longer R-R intervals). As per PEARL #3 — since at least some P waves are being conducted to the ventricles — this rules out 3rd-degree (complete) AV block!
- Observation-5: There are more P waves than QRS complexes. This means that some of the regularly-occurring sinus P waves are not being conducted (which means some form of 2nd-degree AV block must be present).
- That said — I had not yet demonstrated cycles with progressive increase in the PR interval until an on-time sinus P wave is dropped (as should be seen with typical AV Wenckebach).
- Beyond-the-Core: Take a LOOK at Figure-3 — in which I have used 3 colors to label a certain P wave pattern in this tracing that repeats itself over the 12 beats in the long lead II rhythm strip. What does each color signify?
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Figure-3: I've used 3 colors to label all P waves in today's rhythm. What does each color signify? |
- As noted above in Observation-4 — the RED arrow P waves in Figure-3 all manifest the same 0.22 second PR interval. Therefore — beats #1,3,5,7,9 and 11 are all conducted with 1st-degree AV block.
- IF the rhythm in Figure-3 is AV Wenckebach — then either the PINK or the YELLOW arrow P waves must not be conducted. Doesn't it seem more logical for the YELLOW arrow P waves to be non-conducted? (which would mean that the PINK arrow P waves would be conducting beats #2,4,6,8,10 and 12 with a very long PR interval of ~0.38 second).
- Since we know that all beats in today's tracing are supraventricular (Observation-1 in PEARL #5) — and since all QRS complexes are conducted — the reason for slight change in QRS morphology every-other-beat must be the result of some aberrant conduction. As explained in ECG Blog #211 — whether a beat does or does not conduct with some aberration depends on the interplay between coupling intervals and the preceding R-R interval. Although I do not see a specific form of conduction delay in the slightly wider QRS complexes (which are the odd-numbered beats) — the differing R-R intervals most probably accounts for the aberrant conduction.
- Mobitz I 2nd-degree AV block is commonly seen in association with acute or recent inferior and/or posterior infarction. That said — I thought ST-T wave appearance in the rest of the 12-lead ECG showed nonspecific (nondiagnostic) abnormalities. I did not see evidence on this tracing for recent or acute MI (but it is always important to look for ECG signs of recent inferior and/or posterior MI whenever you encounter Mobitz I 2nd-degree AV block).
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Figure-4: I find the easiest 1st step in drawing a laddergram is to complete the Atrial Tier, that shows atrial activity. |
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Figure-9: For clarity — I now labeled each of the P waves in the long lead II rhythm strip with the same colors that I used above in Figure-3. |
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Figure-10: Most of the time when I draw a laddergram — I use the same color for all lines in the illustration, as shown here. |
Acknowledgment: My appreciation to Vansh Verma (from New Delhi, India) for the case and this tracing.
Related ECG Blog Posts to Today’s Case:
- ECG Blog #185 — My Ps, Qs, 3R System for Rhythm.
- ECG Blog #188 — Reviews how to read and draw Laddergrams (with LINKS to more than 100 laddergram cases — many with step-by-step sequential illustration).
- ECG Blog #205 — Reviews my Systematic Approach to 12-lead ECG Interpretation.
- ECG Blog #192 — The 3 Causes of AV Dissociation.
- ECG Blog #191 — AV Dissociation vs Complete AV Block.
- ECG Blog #389 — ECG Blog #373 — for review of some cases that illustrate "AV block problem-solving".
- ECG Blog #236 — for an ECG Video Pearl on the 3 Types of 2nd-degree AV block.
- ECG Blog #344 — thoroughly reviews the Types of 2nd-degree AV block (Mobitz I vs Mobitz II vs 2:1 AV Block).
- ECG Blog #267 — Reviews with step-by-step laddergrams, the derivation of a case of Mobitz I with more than a single possible explanation.
- ECG Blog #164 — Step-by-Step laddergram of Mobitz I.
- ECG Blog #195 — reviews Isorhythmic AV Dissociation.
- As I've often emphasized — there may on occasion be more than a single possible explanation for the mechanism of a given complex arrhythmia!
- IF you are able to "draw" your theory for a potentially plausible mechanism — then consider yourself correct in proposing an alternative mechanism (in which case — the only way to verify which proposed mechanism is correct for the case at hand would be by EP study).
- The reason I thought it worthwhile to publish the excellent question that Akash asks — is that it illustrates the problem-solving process for complex rhythms, in which I have to "play" with a few potentially plausible laddergram solutions until I am able to come up with one that works.
Long time lurker (and learner) here, posting for the first time.
- Could this be a 2:1 AV block?
- The first P wave (labelled with a RED arrow in Figure 3) is conducted (albeit with a slightly prolonged PR interval).
- The next P wave (the one hidden within the T wave = PINK arrow) is not conducted.
- The QRS complex labelled beat #2 is a junctional escape beat.
- The third P wave (YELLOW arrow) fails to conduct — because it finds the distal conduction system refractory (because of the junctional escape beat).
Warm regards — Akash
- The problem however — is that if the 2nd P wave (first YELLOW arrow in Figure-11) was non-conducted because of 2:1 AV block and if beat #2 was a junctional escape beat — this would mean that you are proposing an accelerated junctional escape rate (because the R-R interval before beat #2 that you are proposing is junctional = 3.7 large boxes — which corresponds to an accelerated junctional escape rate of ~81/minute).
- And — this would mean that unless inhibited by a sinus-conducted beat — the next junctional escape beat would occur 3.7 large boxes later = where I placed the BLUE circle. But since the next sinus P wave is set to occur where the 3rd RED arrow occurs — we can see that this next junctional beat would prevent the 3rd sinus P wave from conducting .... (You'd have to propose "takeover" of the rhythm by an accelerated junctional rhythm — which I would not expect given the constant and reasonable PR interval before beats #1,3,5,7,9,11).
- P.S.: Accelerated junctional rhythms and junctional tachycardia can occur — but they are relatively uncommon in adults unless there is some underlying cause (ie, ischemia, shock, electrolyte disorders, post-cardiac surgery, etc.).